Grumble bear trail

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Grumble Bear Trail will take you into times past, when a real bear once walked into the village of Bohinjska Bela, coming to be known as Grumble Bear.

On the bear foot you can find a map of a Godrnjačeva bear trail. Or you can also find it next to the shop in Galetovec.


Following the pleasant family trail, you will walk where Grumble Bear did, discovering what happened to him on his way through our village. The paws will direct you where to go, while tasks at the fourteen stops will test your enthusiasm and skill. Along the trail, take a close look at nature, its trees and its flowers; explore. At each stop, perform the task described on its signboard and elaborated in the list of stops and tasks. If you have a pen on you, find a letter on each signboard, and copy the letters one by one into the boxes bellow – thus, you will get a message in the end. And if you haven't a pen, that’s okay, too: a surprise awaits you in the end – the bravest among you will be able to look into a real bear den.


See you in my forest! :) 



GODRNJAČEVA POT in Slovenian Tv show.(- on 30.00 min-)